Massage guns: How to Use on Feet, the Right Way!

Massage guns: How to Use on Feet, the Right Way!

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With massage guns becoming more popular, many individuals with plantar fasciitis use them on their foot’s scar tissue. This can be very effective, but a popular question is, how to use on feet?

Before addressing this question, it’s important to emphasize that there are many aspects to treating plantar fasciitis, massaging the scar tissue is just one piece. It is also important to note that there are no perfect methods that stand above the rest. Different individuals tend to have different approaches. The general idea would be to start easy and increase as you are able to tolerate.

What is the best head for feet?

Always start with the large ball attachment; this attachment may have different names by different manufacturers. Some call it the round head, others call it the globe or sphere. I am sure there are other names that I probably missed. Nevertheless, it is a round puffy foam head. Most likely the largest attachment you have. That is the head for feet, as well as other popular uses. Once you've tried it, you may decide to keep using it or progress to something that will be smaller and can go deeper. I’ve seen many use the bullet head. However, as mentioned above, never start with that as it may be too intense for you.

How long should you use it?

Start with no more than a minute of massage on the plantar fascia. However, when you progress, do not exceed two minutes.

Where on your feet do you apply a massage gun?

There are two places where you should apply a massager gun. The first is the area of the foot arch, from the heel to right before the ball of the foot. However, you do not want to move the massager in that direction. Instead, you want to go side to side. The idea is to massage perpendicular to the direction of the scar tissue fibers. The second area is the calf muscle. A common problem in individuals with plantar fasciitis is the tightness of the calf. So, a good practice would be to massage that as well. Mainly massaging the Achilles tendon and lower to mid-calf. Avoid the upper calf near the back of the knee, as this is a sensitive area with structures that can easily be damaged.

Before using a massage gun, consult with your healthcare provider, as there may be cases where using one may not be beneficial or even harmful.

Using a massage gun properly on your plantar fascia can help your feet feel healthy again.

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